Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I know I've been gone for a while but I just got absorbed in a new book. Well, three books actually. Once I started I couldn't stop till I knew how it ended. Of course I'm talking about the Artist Trilogy,
and let me tell you it is not for the faint of heart. No amout of wine could help me through this, but thankfully I did manage to find a bottle of tequila in the back of my liquor cabinet.

For full review please see my goodreads page

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Die For Me Review

Obsession? Love?
Sometimes, it was hard to tell where one ended and the other began.

The line between love and obsession is a small one, and in Die For Me we get to see how close they can be. 

Katherine Cole is a broken women. Living day to day with one eye constantly over her shoulder. It's been 3 years since she saw him. 3 years of learning how to never be a victim again. But that's all changed now. People she knows are dying, and the one man who could save her, could also be her end. . 

Katherine may be a broken women but there is hope deep inside waiting to burst through..

She expected love to be beautiful. Kind. Good. She knew now that it could be consuming. Terrifying. But even in the midst of all that terror. Love could bring you safety. Hope.

Dane knows that staying close to Katherine will put them both in danger, but leaving her was out of the question. She was getting under his skin, and funny enough, he liked her there.

"You didn't really think I'd just leave town without saying good-bye, did you?" Her voice was the husky purr... "It wouldn't have mattered," he managed to say..."Where ever the hell you where, I was going too."

Die For Me may be mostly a dark romance but Ms. Eden never fails to to add humor in just the right places..

"This isn't a pissing contest." Ross didn't blink. "Good. 'Cause I don't need to piss."

I have yet to read a book by Cynthia Eden that I haven't liked, and I could not thank her more for that. Her character's voices fill my head and take me along on their, sometimes terrifying, journey.

Die For Me is a must for any Cynthia Eden fan, or just fans of good story telling in general.

For a book as dark as this one I wanted something light to go with it. I went with a Sparkling Rose' from Ponte in Temecula.

Ponte's Rose' Spumante is an off dry (slightly sweet) sparkling wine. Each sip is bursting with refreshing strawberry and pineapple flavors and a fragrance of crisp green apples. A light wine to help chase away some of the darkness in Die For Me.

For more information about all of Ponte's wines click here.

Monday, March 17, 2014

First Book and Wine Pairing...

I went to Costco the other day and was browsing the wine section, as one does when they go to Costco, and came across this beauty...

For $13.99 (costco price) it's far more accessible than their flagship wine Penfolds Grange at $400-$800 depending on the year. If you've never heard of Penflods, it practically put the Australian wine industry on the map. For a more detailed history click here.

An easy drinking wine, with soft tannins, rich dark fruit and a hint of mint this wine can be enjoyed now or stored for up to seven years.

I paired this wine with..

...and I'm so glad I did! You really need an a good glass (or bottle) of wine to put up with Adams ex Christy! 

For full review click here!

New to the Blogging Universe

Ok so this is my first blog and I'm learning as I go. I may have the attention span of a nat and God fobid you show me something shinny (mmmm shinny things..) but I promise to be here as much as possible and give you some interesting wine choices and a good book to go along with them.

Thank you for jointing me on my new venture!